Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tower of Ureth Hal

After 3 months in Egypt and an additional few days spent in lovely Barcelona I have finally managed to get home and back on track. Here is a drawing for a new painting I'm currently working on. The painting was started while I was in Egypt, but because of problems I was having with the oil mediums they sell there I was unable to finish before coming back.


  1. This is great, Scott! I'm sure it will look amazing as a finished painting, but this works great as a finished piece as well. I've just added a link to your blog from mine, hope you don't mind!

  2. Nice blog! You got a lot of great work

  3. Thank you guys! Of course you can add this link if you'd like, Eric...sorry for a slow response I didn't have comment notification turned on so I wasn't aware I even had comments! Take care :)
