Here's another set of guys I did for the game Rage of Bahamut last year. This character is based on the Norse god Mímir who resides near a well of knowledge. All who drink from his well must leave a gift as payment for a sip from his drinking horn. In this version I wanted to have him also be sort of a forest spirit who is friends with all of the animals. As usual, I've enjoyed doing these various stages of a character. I've left out one of the stages here because I really don't like it....Can't always win.
12" x 14.5" Oil on masonite. |
12" x 14.5" Oil on masonite. |
12" x 14.5" Oil on masonite. |
In other news, I'll have a booth again at the upcoming Spectrum Live Convention in Kansas City next week. I'm bringing prints, some Magic artist proofs (hopefully more if they come in the mail), and original drawings and paintings. I'll be at booth 515 and just next to the Muddy Colors group so come stop by and say hey!
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